Gender affirming hormone therapy consultation
For existing patients who have completed their specialist gender assessment and wish to pursue hormone therapy, we provide a consultation to explore individual expectations and the potential short, medium and long term costs, benefits and outcomes of this intervention. We also take account of patients' broader circumstances as discussed in their initial assessment, e.g. social situation, physical health and psychological wellbeing.
Following this consultation we provide an opinion regarding suitability and readiness for hormone therapy. This opinion makes reference to the eligibility criteria described in national and international clinical practice guidelines. Should we agree that it is appropriate, an onward referral to a gender specialist endocrinologist or specialist nurse for further medical assessment and treatment can be made. Please see below for a list of gender specialists who are able to recommend and/or prescribe hormone therapy following a referral from us. It may be helpful for you to consider who you would like to see and contact them for more information and to check their availability prior to booking your hormone therapy consultation with us. We are happy to work with other providers at your request.​
Mary Burke, Specialist Nurse (London):
Dr Peter Hammond (London and Yorkshire): &
Dr Victoria Millson-Brown (Yorkshire):
Dr Christine Mimnagh (Merseyside):
Dr Richard Quinton: (London and North East)
Dr King Sun Leong: (London and Merseyside)
Eligibility criteria for hormone therapy
​The World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People (2012, Version 7) states the following criteria must be met before a referral for hormone therapy can be made; persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria, capacity to make a fully informed decision and to consent for treatment, age of majority (18 and over UK) and if significant medical or mental health concerns are present, they must be reasonably well controlled.
At this current time, most consultations are conducted online via secure video link. Appointments can also be made in person at our Exeter base, if necessary.
Appointment duration
We aim to complete this consultation as part of the specialist gender assessment.
Pricing & payment
This is usually included in the £600 fee for the specialist gender assessment. if an additional follow-up appointment is required this is charged at £200. Payment is made at the point of booking using a secure online booking and payment system.
Clinical documents & referrals
A brief summary of the consultation and an opinion regarding eligibility for hormone therapy is included in the assessment report. Patients are asked to confirm that the content of the report represents an accurate reflection of the consultation before it is finalised. A copy is sent to the patient, their GP and if eligibility criteria are met then a referral to a gender specialist hormone provider is made.