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Voice and communication therapy

We provide a consultation to explore your hopes for voice and communication as part of gender comfort and authentic gender expression. We offer help with voice feminisation, voice masculinisation and voice neutralisation based on exploration of a range of vocal dynamics including pitch, resonance and intonation. Follow-up voice therapy is focussed on supporting you to use a bespoke programme of exercises safely, underpinned by sound knowledge of voice, social identity and wellbeing.


Voice therapy is offered individually and there may be opportunity to take skills into group therapy, to continue exploring aspects such as personal presence, assertive voice, projection and social confidence in a wider communicative context.


Voice and Communication therapy is provided by Gillie Stoneham, MSc RegHCPC MRCSLT FHEA PGDipCounselling



Gillie has many years experience as a Senior Lecturer and gender diversity voice specialist. She began practicing in the field of trans voice and communication in 2006, and is a Consultant SLT in Trans Voice & Communication at the West of England Gender Identity Clinic. She is a member of the British Association of Gender Identity Specialists (BAGIS) and a committee member on the national Clinical Excellence Network for speech and language therapists working in trans and gender diverse voice. In addition to her trans voice specialism, Gillie is also Director of a company providing voice and communication skills coaching within global leadership programmes, and has an independent voice coaching practice.


Gillie has co-authored two books on trans voice & communication that have the voices of trans and non-binary people at their heart. She has published journal articles and presented at conferences and symposia both nationally and internationally at the World Professional Association of Transgender Health and the European Professional Association of Transgender Health. 


Mills M. & Stoneham G. (2021) Voice & Communication Therapy for Trans & Non-Binary People: Sharing the Clinical Space. Jessica Kingsley.

Mills M. Stoneham G. & Davies S. (2019) Towards a Protocol for Transmasculine Voice: a service evaluation of the voice and communication therapy group programme including long-term follow up for trans men at the London Gender Identity Clinic. Transgender Health Vol4 No1.

Mills M. & Stoneham G. (2017) The Voice Book for Trans & Non Binary People. Jessica Kingsley.

Mills M., Stoneham G. & Georgiadou I. (2017) Expanding the evidence: Development & Innovations in clinical practice, training & competency within voice and communication therapy for trans and gender diverse people. International Journal of Transgenderism 18:3 328-342.

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